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KAI TAK 1998 / Re: CH VOR
« Last post by overload on 05. July 2022, 13:14:56 »
Thanks for the swift response.
A clone VOR with a different frequency would be fine.
I'll purchase from which ever is the best for you?
KAI TAK 1998 / Re: CH VOR
« Last post by admino on 05. July 2022, 11:09:45 »
Hi Eugene
Thanks for considering Kai Tak 1998!
The VOR in the sim is the default one which only has DME.
So, out of the box I fear the VOR will not work, but I can try to investigate whether a solution is possible. One safe workaround would be the creation of a clone VOR with a slightly altered frequency. Would that be a viable solution for you? Would you purchase via simmarket, or marketplace?

Model Instruments
« Last post by overload on 04. July 2022, 12:49:03 »
Just a quick pre-purchase question.
Is the CH VOR fully functional with this software? I bought another version of VHHX and only the DME worked, so I wasn't able to fly the published 13 checkerboard approach, which is my main interest with this add-on.
KAI TAK 1998 / Re: Missing file from Kai Tak download
« Last post by Christopher on 08. February 2022, 00:59:17 »
Hi Martin.  Thanks for the info.  Love your Kai Tak airport.  Great job...especially nice for a night approach coming in from Macau.  Well Done.
KAI TAK 1998 / Re: Missing file from Kai Tak download
« Last post by admino on 07. February 2022, 21:11:18 »
Hi Christopher

I apologize for the confusion, it is my fault. There is a mismatch between the shipped manual and the actual software. Fact is, that the scenery, as installed by the installer, no longer has a separate imagery folder. All is in the one single package and the installer should place everything at the correct place in the community folder.

KAI TAK 1998 / Missing file from Kai Tak download
« Last post by Christopher on 07. February 2022, 02:19:29 »
Hello, and thank you for adding me to your roles.

I just purchased the Kai Tak download from SimMarket and after reading the PDF manual that came with it, discovered that I have only one of the two files that are supposed to be installed.  The Kai Tak imagery file is not included in the download...or at least it is not showing up in my community files where I sent it.  Any ideas or help will be greatly appreciated.  Thanks to all.
KAI TAK 1998 / Re: Compatibility with Samscene Hong Kong City Times
« Last post by sougen on 28. December 2021, 19:46:32 »
update at 2021/12/01

After Sim SU7 updated , the runway shoreline banks comes normal .

but when crossing the bridge , the plane will crash ,
and also the uneven runway road at rw13 and the runway side road when entry from runway or leaving runway,
please fix it .
With the today updated version 1.3 the bridge should work now, also the uneven runway should be fixed. Please try it once more!
Tested it and confirmed the problem was fixed, nice job!
Hope next time the simplified chinese characters will be correct to the Traditional Chinese!
KAI TAK 1998 / Re: Flying the checkerboard
« Last post by UNC1RLM on 15. December 2021, 14:03:07 »
Ok Thanks!!

KAI TAK 1998 / Re: Flying the checkerboard
« Last post by admino on 14. December 2021, 17:53:11 »
Hi, unfortunately I was not able to manage AI traffic to fly the IGS 13 approach. The curved approach was the high art of ai scripting in FSX times and I believe MSFS does not support it yet.
KAI TAK 1998 / Flying the checkerboard
« Last post by UNC1RLM on 14. December 2021, 16:26:40 »
Hi.. I am using aircraft models for ai's  (with flight plans) and I was wondering (not sure how done) but ai's flying to 13 as oppose to everything landing at 31 (opposite runway)

Just curious..Thank you.

getting ready to buy.. have two other sceneries but they don't fly in them either.  UPDATE: Just Bought :)

Greets and Best Wishes!!

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